
Surrounded by some of the last truly healthy waters on the planet, the Top End’s Tiwi Islands are abundant in corals, mangroves, healthy fisheries and incredible sea life, like the endangered Olive Ridley sea turtle.

It’s shocking that in this day and age, the Northern Territory government has allowed a massive port expansion in this healthy tropical paradise without the proper environmental checks and balances.

The expansion involves the storage of thirty million litres of diesel fuel and fracking chemicals, all within a sensitive and cyclone prone area.

 If disaster struck, the results would be catastrophic. Our Top End marine life surely deserves better than this.

We need to urgently convince the Department of Environment to step in and assess this development.

Please write to the Federal Environment Minister today to urge him to ensure that a full environmental impact statement is carried out. Submissions close in just a few days. Our Top End turtles need us. Please join me and speak out today!


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